Gommaire Umbrella Basket


The Gommaire Umbrella Basket is a beautiful piece of luxury rattan furniture handwoven in croco rattan. The rustic yet contemporary style can be used for any indoor area.  



The Gommaire Umbrella Basket is a beautiful piece of luxury rattan furniture handwoven in croco rattan. The rustic yet contemporary style can be used for any indoor area.  

Gommaire’s handwoven baskets are offered in natural materials like croco rattan, sanded peel and rattan skin to complement the rest of Gommaire’s collections. The different weaving patterns, materials and sizes give this collection a rustic contemporary style which can be used in many areas: residential houses, hotels, restaurants, flower shops and garden centres. A lot of the Gommaire baskets come with a plastic liner on the inside, which makes them ideal to use as a planter. 

In general, Gommaire’s baskets are for indoor use only, however some of their planter baskets can be used outdoors in the summertime. The material will have a more weathered look when placed outside – which is in line with the Gommaire philosophy. 

Items from Gommaire’s Deco Range are for collection only from our Showroom.  


Length: 56 cm 

 Width: 16 cm  

Height: 50 cm 

Additional information


Small, Medium, Large